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Current Research Projects:


Problem-based learning application on educational neuroscience.

Ministry of Education Project, 2020.08.01 - 2021.07.31

Brain fairs for elementary school children.

Most Project, 2020.08.01 - 2021.07.31

Neural mechanisms of arithmetic word problem solution in adolescence.

108-2410-H-004 -101 -MY2, 2019.08.01 - 2021.07.31

The development and neural compensation of cognitive control circuits in reading arithmetic word problems.

106-2420-H-004-010-MY2, 2017.1.1-2018-12.31.

Cognitive and neural correlates of interventions on number representation for children with typical and low mathematical achievements.

105-2511-S-004-001-MY3, 2016.8.1-2019.7.31.

Longitudinal brain development of school-age children underlying arithmetic problem solving.

104-2511-S-004-004-, 2015.11.1-2016.10.31.

Brain-based biomarker of mathematical skill underlying school-age children.

(NCCU New Faculty Grant, 2014.09.15-2015.2.31)

Brain-based biomarker of mathematical skill underlying school-age children.

103-2511-S-004-004-, 2014.11.01-2016.1.31.

co -PI:

The Neuro-Psychological Process of Gamification: An Integrated Study of Central and Autonomic Nervous System Based on the Affect Integration-Motivation Framework.

MOST Research Project, 08/01/2020 - 07/31/2022

Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center.

MOST Project, 08/01/2018 – 07/31/2020.

Establishing A big data network platform for the brain growth and connectivity development to early predict their long-term neurodevelopmental outcome using artificial intelligence.

MOST Project, 06/04/2019-12/31/2020

The impact of cross-cultural experience on exploitation and exploration orientation: Neuroscience approach. Most Research Project, 08/01/2018-07/31/2019

An fMRI Study of Causal Judgments in People with Williams Syndrome

106-2410-H-211-001-, 106.08.01-107.07.31.

Teacher training program on brain knowledge and teaching.

106-2515-S-030-001-, 106.09.31-107.07.31.


Investigating the Role of Anterior Cingulate Gyrus and Sulcus in Ultimatum Game.

106-2410-H-004-066-MY3, 106.08.01-109.07.31.

Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center.

105-2420-H-004-030-RE2, 105.8.1-107.7.31.

The role of flexible optimism in balancing between exploitation and exploration: the Neuroscience approach.

104-2410-H-004-157-MY3, 104.08.01-107.07.31.

Conceptual Frames and Gesture.

103-2410-H-004-180-MY3, 103.8.1-106.7.31.

Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center.

103-2420-H-004-031-RE2, 103.08.01-105.7.31.

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